Happy Mother’s Day❤️❤️!

Happy Mother’s Day to all of the true beautiful treasures of the world 🌎. Having been blessed with a great mother, I can never underestimate the power of a mother’s influence on a life😊. A mother’s love and affection can never be minimized.

One of the things that Mom (and Dad) passed on to me was the desire to travel to new locations. We used to take summer trips in the car to various locations. I remember how cool it was to see a new place that I had never seen before 😃. It was almost as if I was in a different country. Here is a great video, that I had to share, which gave me the same vibe as when I was a kid: youtube.com/shorts/N3PPLNdQZH8

Hope that you enjoyed this video. This was the first video that I captured after landing in Hawaii. It was jaw dropping and will be forever burned in my mind. Little did I know how much adventure awaited me during this entire trip!

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